Alabama Quonset Hut – Alabama, also known as the “Heart of Dixie,” is an American state located in the southeastern region surrounded by Tennessee (north), Mississippi (west), Gulf of Mexico (south), and Georgia (east). Of the 50 United States, Alabama is the 23rd most populous state and 30th largest state wherein 3.2% of its area consists of water. Montgomery is its capital city but Birmingham is the most populous city in the state. The southern part of the state is a gentle plain while the northern region is covered with picturesque mountains boasting attractive rivers, lakes, streams and creeks.
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The state has a humid subtropical weather (64 °F or 18 °C average annual temperature) but typically it has hot summers in the southern part near the Gulf of Mexico. As of 2010, Alabama recorded a population of 4, 779, 736 composed of White (67 %), African American (26.2%), Latinos (3.9%), Asian (1.1%), Amerindian (0.6%), Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (0.1%) and other race (1.5%). Crop and animal production is Alabama’s primary economy drive force but the state has started to invest in other potential industries such as aerospace, banking, health care, education, steel production, automobile manufacturing, fabrication and mineral extraction.
Since Alabama is also prone to disasters (Hurricane Katrina scourged the state’s coast in 2005 and caused flooding and property destruction), its business owners, government offices and even residents have turned into building metal Quonset huts that provide safe, economical and reliable storage space. Alabama Quonset Hut are specially designed and engineered (with its semicircular cross section) to defy the harmful effect and force of hurricanes, earthquakes and blizzards.
Alabama Quonset Hut – Green Building
Because of modern technology, today’s Alabama steel Quonset Huts are architecturally redefined and use state-of-the-art materials to meet the demands of specific customers. There are even huts nowadays that are products of “green technology.” In getting the right supplier or contractor for your hut, there are a lot of Alabama Quonset Hut building guide companies (mostly have their own websites) who would recommend and lead you to the supplier that adjusts to your budget and needs.